song tadashi.
25, he/him.
guardian angel au.

General au info:

Tadashi is from a realm called Ancus, which is inhabitated by winged beings whose purpose is to protect and eventually watch over a creature from a foreign realm. The trial described below is what gets them accepted into their society. Pre-trial, Tadashi's species are called Viators, whereas post successful trial, they finally turn into proper Guardians.

The trial:

Once the Viators deem themselves ready, in order to prepare for their guarding destiny, they are sent to a randomly picked realm by themselves. In said realm, they lose their supernatural abilities, wings and any memory of who they really are and where they are from. In some cases, their soul is placed into a grown up vessel, which allows them to take over their memories. From that moment on, they treat their memories as their own as it is the only life they think they know.
In other cases, their soul is transferred into a newborn of said foreign species, in which case they grow up like any other child in the chosen realm, making memories seemingly normally.
No matter what is the case, though, their mission is to find out what their purpose is and where they are originally from. This trial solely exists to test their dedication, willpower and maturity. It also forces them to get a good idea of the benefits and dangers of the realm they have entered.If they succeed, they will regain full consciousness of who they are and proceed with their actual purpose to protect one of the souls in the realm they have wandered.
If they fail, they will continue to live a life in blissful happiness, though eerie nightmares of what once was their home and voices in their head that lead to paranoia and anxiety are a common occurrence in old(er) age.

The Core:

In order to succeed, each Viator gets assigned something that connects to their very core and is a big part of their personality in and outside of Ancus. In the other realm, this piece of their core will lead them. It may reveal itself as a special interest, be a part of their appearance or just the way they smell or what they feel drawn to.This strong connection is supposed to awaken their memories quicker, as their core is tied directly to the consciousness of their existence back in Ancus.

Tadashi as viator:

Tadashi's core is connected to stars.
He has always felt at home when he researched any kind of astronomical facts or when he thinks about the universe itself. Other than that, he is often told that there's a sparkle in the depths of his eyes that makes it look like he carries the universe in them.
The third and last association with his core that he has left expresses itself in his literal eyesight: Tadashi suffers from a mild case of astigmatism, meaning that his vision is blurred and contorted. This condition leads to him viewing any kind of light source in such a distorted way, that it makes things look like stars.
Still, due to his upbringing, Tadashi had never had the time to really connect to the stars and therefore hasn't found out about who he is yet.

"Remember who you are"

song tadashi. japanese-korean.
25 years old. born on april 3rd, 98
in sendai, japan.
he/him pronouns. queer. 5’10/178cm.
considers himself a romantic and
(professionally) romanticizes every
aspect of life. has an unhealthy
obsession with marvel and will talk
about it non-stop. either too much
weird energy or calm/mom friend energy.
likes seeing/making people laugh.
very caring, protective & nurturing.
physical touch, gift giving and acts of service
are his love languages. big brother to a
younger (half)sister and dog dad to his
shiba inu mochi. steals alcohol from the bar he works at.
loves breakfast foods, cooking, ice skating,
photography & astronomy. adores anything
music related but has zero knowledge of
musical theory. ENFJ = doesn’t bite,
so don’t hesitate to reach out.

Useful terms:

Consisting of the words 'angel' and the Latin word 'custos', which means guard/guardian. Tadashi's home realm. Home to all "guardian angels" before their trial. Also freely accessible for those who successfully completed their trial and wish to return.
From the Latin world "traveler". It describes the guardian angels who have yet to be accepted as mature and worthy by completing the trial.
The term for the ones that have successfully completed their mission and have now been assigned a soul from the foreign realm.
Something that connects ever Viator to Ancus; the last bit of personality they have been given on their way and that is supposed to help them 'wake up' and regain consciousness and control quicker.


21 ooc, minors don’t interact in any way (age indicator required).
he/they + ISFP
CET & full time uni student, i’ll need you to bear with me and be patient sometimes.
adv. lit/lit rp, willing to mirror to a certain extent.
basic DNI criteria. FC or strictly NSFW chasers can kindly leave, too.
big fan of multiverse. not necessary to set things in canon tl. i’m very open for any AU ideas whatsoever.